The Choicest Invocations of Blessings


From the writings of al-Shaykh Yūsuf al-Nabhānī




No 1 : The Ibrāhīmiyyah 

No 2 : The salāh that was preferred by al-Imām al-Nawawī 

No 3 : A salāh that was composed By Ibn Hajar al-Haitamī 

No 4 : A salāh that was taught by Jibrīl 

No 5 : A salāh that was narrated by Ruwaifi' ibn Thābit al-Ansārī 

No 6 : A salāh that was verified by al-Imām al-Fākihānī 

No 7 : A salāh whose special merit was mentioned by Jibrīl 

No 8 : A salāh to obtain al-shafā'ah (the intercession of the Prophet) 

No 9 : A salāh in lieau of al-zakāh (alms) 

No 10 : A salāh that was reported from Ilyās and Khadir (peace be upon them)

No 11 : A salāh for obtaining forgiveness from Allāh 

No 12 : A salāh that will cause seventy scribes to be busy for a thousand mornings 

No 13 : A salāh that is to be recited eighty times on Friday 

No 14 : A salāh for fulfilling one's needs, 30% in the world and 70% in the hereafter 

No 15 : A salāh that was mentioned by Sa'īd ibn 'Utārid 

No 16 : A salāh that was recited by the members of the Prophet's household after his death 

No 17 : A salāh that was taught by al-Imam 'Alī ibn Abī Tālib 

No 18 : A salāh that was narrated by Ibn Mas'ūd 

No 19 : A salāh that was narrated by Ibn 'Umar 

No 20 : A salāh that was mentioned by al-Imām al-Ghazālī

No 21 : A salāh that is to be recited seven times on Friday 

No 22 : A salāh for one who wishes to drink with a cup filled to the brim from the pool of the Prophet (in the hereafter) 

No 23 : A salāh that is based on the tasbih of the blessed spouse of the Prophet, Juwairiyyah bint al-Hārith  

No 24 : A salāh that was mentioned by Abul-'Abbās Ahmad al-Hājirī as containing 1000 merits 

No 25 : A salāh that was taught by the Prophet to Abū 'Abdillāh ibn al-Nu'mān in a dream 

No 26 : Al-Salāh Al-Munjiyyah (The invocation of blessings for deliverance) 

No 27 : Salāh Nūr al-Qiyāmah (Light on the Day of Resurrection) 

No 28 : A salāh that was composed by al-Imām al-Shāfi'ī (1)

No 29 : A salāh that was composed by al-Imām al-Shāfi'ī (2)

No 30 : A salāh that was composed by Abul-Hasan al-Karkhī, a companion of Ma'rūf al-Karkhī

No 31 : A salāh by Sultān al-Awliyā' 'Abdul-Qādir al-Jīlānī 

No 32 : A salāh by al-Imām al-Ghazālī (or according to others, by Sultān al-Awliyā' 'Abdul-Qādir al-Jīlānī) 

No 33 : A salāh by Ahmad al-Rifā'ī 

No 34 : A salāh by Ahmad al-Badawī (1) 

No 35 : A salāh by Ahmad al-Badawī (2) 

No 36 : A salāh by Ibrāhīm al-Dasūqī (also spelt as al-Disūqī) 

No 40 : A salāh taught by the spirit of the Prophet to Muhammad al-Hanafī

No 41 : A salāh by Ibrāhīm al-Matbūlī 

No 42 : A salāh by 'Alī Nūruddīn al-Shūnī 

No 43 : A salāh by 'Abd al-Salām ibn Mashīsh 

No 44 : Salāh al-Nūr al-Dhātī by Abul-Hasan al-Shādhilī 

No 45 : A salāh that was composed by al-Imām al-Nawawī 

No 50 : The salāh of al-Fātih (The opener)

No 51 : The salāh of Ūlil-'Azm (Those of firm determination from among the messengers of Allāh) 

No 52 : The salāh of al-Sa'ādah (Felicity) 

No 53 : The salāh of al-Ra'ūf al-Rahīm (The compassionate and merciful one) 

No 54 : The salāh of al-Kamāliyyah (Perfection) 

No 55 : The salāh of al-In'ām (Bounties) 

No 56 : The salāh of al-'Ālī al-Qadr (the possesor of high ranking and great prestige) 

No 57 : A salāh that was composed by Abū al-Tāhir Ahmad al-Khujandī al-Hanafī al-Madanī 

No 58 : A salāh that was taught by the Prophet to a friend of Hāmid Afandī al-'Imādī (Mufti of Damascus) in a dream

No 61 : A salāh that was composed by Muhammad al-Budairī (who was also known as Ibn Mayyit) 

No 62 : A salāh that was taught by Mustafa al-Hindī to Muhammad Haqqī al-Nāzilī 

No 63 : Al-Tafrijiyyah (also known as al-Nāriyyah) 

No 64 : Al-'Azīmiyyah by Ahmad ibn Idrīs

No 66 : Al-Mazhariyyah by Ahmad ibn Idrīs


A popular invocation of blessings



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